
Nowaday, the controverial iue of cloning ha been in the limelight and ha aroued wide concern in the public. It’ quite undertandable that the view of thi iue vary from peron to peron.

Some people are in favour of cloning, who firmly believe that cientit can bring the extinct animal back to life by cloning. It’ indiputable that cloning i a great proce to produce quantitie of commercial plant a well a new pecie of plant.

However, the cloning of the heep Dolly attracted public’ attention but aroue a torm of objection. For intance, if heap and heap of evil leader like Hillary attempt to clone themelve, a diater will break out in the world. In addition, the objector init that cloning ha a huge impact on genetic diverity.A for me, I ugget that cloning play an important role on improving our quality of life.

Needle to ay, that cloning i an effective acce to cure eriou illnee that at preent have no cure. What’ more, not only can cloning ait u to acquire unknown knowledge about the creature, but it alo i a wonderful breakthrough. Thought now there are lot of quetion about cloning, by no mean hould we give in to the unolved problem.






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